Samantha Murozoki

Samantha Shingirai Murozoki

Founder of The Kuchengetana Trust

My name is Samantha Shingirai Murozoki. I am a married mother of two boys and a lawyer by profession. I grew up in a family that was stable financially and always felt that from the position where I was, I could make a difference. I started the Kuchengetana Trust in April 2020 during the first national COVID-19 lockdown in Zimbabwe when my neighbor told me how her family had gone to bed hungry as work and informal trade had dried up under the lockdown.

Together with volunteers, and through the generosity of donations by companies and individuals, we feed the needy in the Chitungwiza community – breakfast to children, and then supper for families. The first day we fed 24 people, some days we have fed up to 4,000 people and a year later we are still feeding on average 2,100 people a day.


  • Kuchengetana means  “taking care of each other” in Shona
  • We feed on average 2100 people daily
  • We feed 0 to 16 years and 60 and above.
  • Started April 2020
  • 10 volunteers
  • 100% dependent on donations


What We Do

The Kuchengetana Trust started in April 2020 to help those who couldn’t afford a daily meal. Sadly, that need has not gone away, and over a year later we continue to serve thousands of meals every single day from our make-shift kitchen in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe. We are 100% reliant currently on donations and are enormously grateful to each and every individual and corporate who has given to our cause. It costs USD200 per day to provide free meals to the underprivileged, and our team of 10 volunteers works from 4 am to 9 pm. Not only do we provide free meals, but have also been able to help out with clothing and other basic amenities when funds have allowed.

The vision for The Kuchengetana Trust is to gain self-sustenance and empower the families that frequent the kitchen. That way we will not need to necessarily cook for them daily, but only when the need arises. We aspire to own or rent a farming space where we can carry out income-generating schemes such as a fully-fledged piggery and fish project, which will also create much-needed jobs.


How Can You Help?

We are completely reliant on donations and volunteers to keep the feeding programme going. Please get in touch with Samantha directly on Whatsapp +263 786 701 002 if you would like to get invovled in any capacity.

Donations in Zimbabwe

These are gratefully received. Please either Ecocash or get in touch directly for further details.

Samantha Shingirai Murozoki
Ecocash +263 786 701 002

International Donations

World Remit/Mukuru/Moneygram

Samantha Shingirai Murozoki

20926 unit A ext Seke Chitungwiza

Bank Transfer

Account name: The Kuchengetana Trust

Acc number:     50953966633099

Currency: US$ FCA

BancAbc Swift Code/BIC Code: FMBZZWHX Branch code: 120


Just Giving Campaign

At the start of the pandemic, Sam Murozoki started feeding the children on her street. Like millions of Zimbabweans, their parents were already struggling to put food on the table, then lockdown pushed them further into hunger.

The money we raise will help Sam invest in equipment that will reduce her daily running costs: gas instead of firewood, proper roofing, better storage for bulk food orders, and income-generating schemes like pig-farming and soap production, which also create desperately-needed jobs.

Weʼre raising £10,000 to give children and elderly adults in Chitungwiza a nutritious meal every day, and to help turn Kuchengetana into a sustainable charity


Please read more of our story in these articles.

'We can't turn them away..."

The family kitchen fighting lockdown hunger in Zimbabwe. Samantha Murozoki bartered her jeans and sneakers to stop the food from running out, inspiring others.

Restoring Hope One Plate At A Time

“There were a few surprises, not only did the number turn from feeding 15 to 4000 people a day, but the lockdown stretched way beyond 3 weeks”.

Kuchengetana Relief Kitchen: A Story of Hope

“For as long as we can share what we have, the relief kitchen will continue to operate,” says 35-year-old Samantha Shingirai Murozoki.

She refused to watch her neighbours go hungry.

For giving us hope, one plate at a time, and for reminding us what being a patriotic Zimbabwen means, Samantha is our newZWire Person of The Year.

Helping out One Plate at a Time

One lawyer is stepping in feeding hundreds daily from her parents’ home on the outskirts of Harare.

Free food kitchen brings hope for Chitungwiza residents

“I really do appreciate the kitchen for providing us with food. It means a lot to all of us,” said Muto.

Kuchengetana Trust Serves Over 300,000 Meals to Less Privileged

There are people who walk over 25 km. Some come from nearby rural areas (Seke), walking all the way to get food.

You Must Know Them: Samantha Murozoki

I want to be that person that created opportunities, alternative living and hope for the masses.

Kuchengetana Trust - serving smiles

Kuchengetana Trust is feeding Chitungwiza residents with at least 2 free meals a day – how’s that for a ray of sunshine?


Let’s Talk

Together we can make a difference. We look forward to connecting.

+263 786 701 002

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